In year 7 RESPECT focuses on developing a sense of self. Lessons will cover the following topics: kindness; being involved; pushing yourself; remembrance; road safety; body image and puberty; me and my hobbies, interests and skills; First aid.
Year 8 RESPECT lessons will continue to develop themes considered in year 7: kindness, positive reinforcement and generosity, recognizing and respecting difference; remembrance; alcohol, drugs and smoking awareness; body image, relationships and consent; making choices, types of careers and pathways; British values.
Year 9 RESPECT continues to develop themes from previous years with a more targeted focus on careers and choices: kindness, helping each other grow, how to deliver and receive feedback sensitively; how sex and relationships work, contraception, HIV/Aids; financial awareness, labour market, occupations, skills, local and national opportunities; First aid.
Year 10 lessons focus on developing as a person and the individualâs contribution to society with lessons considering: kindness, helping each other grow, how to deliver and receive feedback sensitively; careers for the 21 st century, opportunities at post 16, interview techniques, attitudes and values in the work place, work experience opportunities; sex and relationship education including positive and negative relationships and their consequences, contraception and sexually transmitted infections.
Throughout year 11 RESPECT focuses on next steps in the immediate and medium term: organizing your time; preparation for post 16, UCAS applications, writing a personal statement, making informed choices, knowing yourself, progress and effort; study skills; revision skills.