We are an ADHD Friendly Accredited School – Find out more
The SHINE Centre is a small specialist SEMH provision located within The Winstanley School, with a genuine mainstream collaboration, partnership and learning experiences for every young person.
The SHINE Centre has been designed to educate fifteen secondary age young people, to promote innovative, quality first teaching, with a personalised curriculum offer to help reignite the interest of each pupil and inspire an enthusiasm for learning, whilst also creating a holistic support package to support every pupil in their learning.
All students have an educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) for social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH). The staff running the provision have substantial experience of successfully supporting children with SEMH needs, and includes teachers,instructors, Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), a Wellbeing practitioner and an Educational Psychologist.
The SHINE Centre is a detached, single story sanctuary which can house 15 students and comprises of six separate classrooms and a communal area which include spaces for:
Design Technology and Art
Music technology / IT suite
A kitchen/cyber cafe/indoor recreation
a meeting room for parents, 1:1 work and therapeutic work,
a nurture/breakout room,
a safe and secure breakout / recreation area immediately outside the building,
secure, designated staff only areas for planning, preparation and administrative work.
Students receive a full academic and therapeutic curriculum provision where possible, tailored to the students particular needs up to GCSE level, with the potential to integrate into relevant mainstream subjects. There is also time dedicated to Outdoor education for KS3 and Work experience for KS4.
Our Vision
The vision, like the vision of the Winstanley School is that all students will ‘Shine brighter than they thought they could’ by following the five SHINE core values:
Supporting others â through links with the wider community, working within a Multidisciplinary Team, families and the young people themselves.
Hard Work â Recognising that we are all on a learning journey and together we will constantly be adapting, evolving and challenging each other to strive towards our goals.
Independence â for our young people to be self-sufficient and acquire the skills to be able to navigate the challenges of the world around them.
Never Giving Up â Our core belief is that you can and with our support you will!
Excellence â Having high expectations of everyone involved in the SHINE community to work together to succeed.
Our aim is to support students to be:
  Good communicators
  A positive member of our community
To find out more about what we do why not follow us on Twitter – @TheSHINECentre