Learning Support

The Inclusion team works with a wide range of students to help them achieve.

Inclusion at Winstanley means:

  • Acknowledging the right of every student to a first class, high quality education.
  • Supporting everyone to feel that they belong and can achieve their potential.
  • Increasing participation for all students in all aspects of school life (learning activities, clubs, trips and visits).
  • Reducing exclusion, discrimination and barriers to learning and participation .
  • Ensuring that our school cultures, policies and practices value everyone equally.
  • Understanding that removing barriers for some students will benefit students more widely.
  • Improving our school for staff and parents/carers as well as students.
  • Emphasising the development of our school and our values, as well as our achievements.
  • Continuing to foster strong relationships between our school and our community.

The students we work with have a wide range of needs. The four main areas of need are:

¡ Communication and interaction (including students with Aspergers/Autism)

¡ Cognition and Learning (including maths, reading, writing and spelling)

¡ Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

¡ Sensory and/or physical (including disabilities such as those affecting mobility, sight and hearing)