Please be aware of the Term Dates for next year which are on the website. It is important that as a parent you make every effort to ensure that your son/daughter is in school everyday. It is also vital that holidays are not taken in term time so that your son/daughter does not miss out on learning. We are a Leicestershire school and have similar holiday patterns to other County schools although there may be some small variations between ourselves and other County schools. It is important that all Winstanley students are in school even if secondary schools close by or our feeder Primary schools are on holiday. The main variation next year is between the Leicestershire and Leicester City schools at October half term. Leicestershire Schools are on holiday from 15th October – 19th October while the Leicester City Schools are on holiday from 22nd October – 26th October. I know this may be inconvenient if you have a child at a City primary school and so we have made representation to the County and City Councils asking them to synchronise the holiday, but they have not changed it. However, please remember it is a legal requirement that your son/daughter is in school. We wanted to make this clear now before you book holidays.