The Winstanley School is part of the LiFE Multi Academy Trust (MAT). The Trust is a Charitable Company, with a single group of Members and a single board of Trustees. The Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) are the LiFE Trust Board Committees. They are authorised to act within their delegated powers granted to them by the Trust Board within the wider Trust Scheme of Delegation, which is reviewed and approved annually by the Trust Board, as required by ESFA.
LGBs are responsible for holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership of the School to account and for providing assurance to the Trust Board. They also support the Head and Executive Team of their School to undertake their local Leadership role as well as acting as a group to reflect the needs and views of the local community in which their School operates. It is important that LGBs understand and agree with the values and mission of LiFE Multi Academy Trust.
Local Governing Bodies shall comprise 2 elected Parent Governors, a maximum of 6 Community Governors subject to a minimum of 4. (Community Governors are people appointed by the LGB. Community Governors may include parents of children at the school and ideally should be identified from those organisations with whom the School has partnerships or close relationships), the Head Teacher (exâofficio) and 2 Staff Members (one member of teaching Staff and one member of support Staff).