This section of our website will be updated shortly for 2024.
The Winstanley School is a rapidly improving school!
This year sees another set of improved GCSE results for our school. We have continued to invest heavily in our Maths, Science and English provision which has once again seen improvements in key results along with success being seen in a variety of different subjects.
Science results have seen a large boost with a majority of Winstanley students being entered for triple science (3 separate GCSEs) instead of the more common combined Science (2 GCSEs). In 2023, 65% of students achieved a grade 4 or better in all 3 Sciences compared to 44% for combined science in 2019.
Physics results saw an increase in 2022/2023 with 69% of students achieving a grade 4 or above and 40% of students achieving a grade 5 or above.
The percentage of students receiving a standard pass (4 or above) in English & maths continues to reflect the rapid improvement in the quality of learning and teaching at the Winstanley School. With 40% of students achieving grade 4 or better in English and maths and 25% of students achieving grade 5 or better in English and maths.

Maths results continue to improve and are in line with national figures, with 53% of students receiving a grade 4 or above and 33% of students receiving a grade 5 or above.
English results continue the trend of improvement with 44% of students achieving a standard pass and 33% achieving a strong pass at GCSE
Winstanley has also seen success in our Ebacc subjects. 40% of students were entered for the Ebacc achieving an average point score (APS) of 2.67
Our PE department saw yet another year of great results with 63% of students receiving grade 4+ and 50% receiving grade 5+ in GCSE PE along with 72% of students receiving a level 2 pass or better in Sports Studies.
History saw improved results this year with the number of students receiving grade 4 or above increasing by 17%.
Resistant materials GCSE saw a large increase in 2022/2023 with the number of students receiving a grade 4 or above increasing by 27%.
Improvements were also well received in the following subjects: Maths, English Literature, Chemistry, Drama & Computer Science
In 2022/23, 98% of students went on to further education, training or employment.
Progress 8 for 2022/23 at the Winstanley School was -0.88*
* Please note that the 2022/23 GCSE results also include results for our on-site SEMH unit, The SHINE Centre.
You can find more information regarding our 2022/23 GCSE results by following the link below :