Feedback, Marking and Assessment in Year 7, 8 & 9 (pre-GCSE)
What will be assessed?
All end of unit and formal assessments
200 Word Challenges, using whole class feedback sheets at least once per half-term
How will it be assessed?
Success bars will be used and all assessed work will include:
– WWW and EBI
– Response of student, including improvements
All teacher marking will be completed in pink pen. Students will correct their own work in green pen and their peersâ work in red. Once work has been marked, by a peer or a teacher, students will correct their own work in purple pen.
How often will it be assessed?
– The vast majority of work will be marked within two weeks after it has been handed in.
– At least once a term, a formal assessment will be graded against GCSE criteria and reference made to the target grade.
– If a discussion has taken place about the work, the student must write a synopsis of the conversation next to it.
– Rewards will be given for outstanding work in the form of achievement points, contact home (postcards) or English Award nominations.
Feedback, Marking and Assessment at Key Stage 4
What will be assessed?
All formal assessments
200 Word Challenges, using whole class feedback sheets at least once per half term
All written home learning
How will it be assessed?
Success bars will be used and all assessed work will include:
- WWW and EBI
A GCSE grade reflecting the attainment level of the particular task being assessed
- where applicable
- Guidance regarding how to improve specific elements of the written work.
- All teacher marking will be completed in pink pen. Students will correct their own
- work in green pen and their peersâ work in red. Once work has been marked, by a
- peer or a teacher, students will correct their own work in purple pen.
How often will it be assessed?
– Written work will be marked within two weeks after it has been handed in. However, when students are working on extended pieces of work, feedback will be given during lessons. This will be in line with exam board specification/criteria, where appropriate.
– Students must always be clear about their target grade and how to work towards achieving it.
– Rewards should be given for outstanding work.