The Winstanley School Curriculum Intent
“SHINE brighter than you thought you could…”
All aspects of our SHINE values underpin our curriculum which is designed to drive positivity and aspiration, to broaden horizons and develop confidence and resilience. We believe all experiences, academic, social and cultural, are learning opportunities. Our inclusive curriculum is designed to ensure all students can successfully access ambitious futures.
Our ongoing curriculum review process aims to ensure that we provide a curriculum that is broad and balanced, which provides authentic and relevant learning experiences with a focus on aspirational and proactive teaching. The curriculum is designed with a 5 year learning journey at its core with a strong focus on developing literacy within and across each discipline. All subject areas have identified the core pillars of their curriculum which underpin all teaching and learning:
- Developing literate learners
- Using effective feedback
- Contextualising learning within and beyond the classroom
- Understanding and developing disciplinary learning conventions
- Actively teaching character development and developing a growth mindset
The SHINE character and culture curriculum focuses on:
- Developing positive attitudes
- Developing character
- Framing opportunities to understand the world around us
- Promoting positive well being and mental health
- Developing positive caring, respectful relationships
- Developing opportunities to SHINE brightly
- Being an active citizen
Across all areas our curriculum focuses on:
- Outlining the building blocks of each subject; what needs to be known and understood across the 5 years
- Ensuring that our curriculum scaffolds thoughtfully sequenced work
- Prioritising time for consolidation and further development
We implement the curriculum through:
- Thorough schemes of work and planning documents, which are regularly reviewed and revised
- Ensuring links with experiences beyond the classroom
- Regular and timely assessment and review of learning to address gaps
- Maintaining student awareness of their learning journey
- Increasing staff awareness of the width of the curriculum experience
- Providing opportunities beyond the classroom
Our curriculum impact is monitored via:
- Feedback from stakeholders
- Outcomes, both successes and areas for development
To find out more about our curriculum in more detail click the links below:
SHINE Character and Culture Curriculum