Vaccination Clinic Xmas Hols

Glenfield COVID-19 vaccination clinic for 12-15 year-olds over Christmas school holidays

Young people aged 12-15 who haven’t yet had their COVID-19 vaccine are invited to come along with their parent/ guardians to have it at a specialist temporary clinic at Glenfield Hospital during the school Christmas holidays.

The clinic is being held on Tuesday 21 December from 10am – 6pm. Booking is required and can be done so via Swiftqueue using this link:$2y$10$WeE48pMxLpzZufbdyjQXnekD.PV2IoncUq8cN9TgEBXEmODtT59QC

It is an ideal opportunity for students to get the vaccine if they missed getting it at school, for example because they were absent on the day. Young people who are eligible to get their second dose can also have it at the clinic – so long as they had their first vaccine more than 12 weeks ago.

Vaccinators are all specially trained to work with young people and strict safeguarding protocols will be followed.

The vaccine used will be Pfizer-BioNTech.

Healthy children who have tested positive for COVID-19 need to wait 12 weeks before they can have the vaccine.

Parents and guardians of 12-15-year-olds will need to attend the vaccination with their children so consent can be obtained.

If you would like to understand more about the benefits of young people receiving the vaccine, watch Dr Wadhwa’s short video on YouTube:

Young people can find out more about the vaccine by watching our new COVID-19 vaccine facts explainer video:

Other vaccination clinics for young people will be available over the school holidays. To find what is available you can either:


Year 7 Beaumanor Hall Trip

If you are a parent/carer of a Year 7 student please read the letter using the link below.  Students have also received a paper copy.  The permission slip and exact money (in an envelope with the child’s name and tutor group on the front) needs to be returned to school by Monday 23rd September at the latest.

Beaumanor Hall Trip

Year 8 HPV Vaccination Letter

Please find attached a letter of consent for your child’s HPV vaccination.  In the past they arrived as a hard copy for signature, but they are now all online.  In the body of the attached letter you will see a link which directs you to the consent form. It is important that this is completed ASAP.  There are helpful notes on completing the online consent form, in the body of the attachment.

NHS Consent Letter