Anti Bullying Week 2018

This year we celebrated our continuous hard work and success regarding anti-bullying with a range of activities during Anti-Bullying Week. Beginning on the 12th November with Odd Socks Day, students and staff showed their support and raised awareness by wearing their oddest combinations. During the week assemblies and tutor time we focussed on developing personal skills and qualities to advocate students to ‘Choose Respect’ which is the Anti Bullying Alliance theme this year.


Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes, sky, suit and outdoor

Anti Bullying Silver Award

We have been awarded Silver Level by LCC for our work on Anti-Bullying (this is the highest level you can achieve on your first award). This award evaluates our practices and assesses how well we deal with bullying both in and out of school for all members of our school community.

During the year we have sought to raise the profile of our Anti-Bullying work and as such we updated our Anti-Bullying policy; our student council have made a student friendly charter for all classrooms; we have an Anti-Bullying area on our website that students can access if they need to know more or to report incidents of bullying; we have a dedicated team of staff from all areas who the students feel have the power for good and can resolve issues. Most excitingly of all we have elected members from each form who are our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors – all of these will be trained by the Diana Award next term to become peer champions. During Anti-Bullying Week we celebrated #AlldifferentAllequal and got a real buzz going around school about how TWS is a safe and vibrant place to be. Every member of our school has completed an E-safety course around National E-Safety Day and all understand more about cyberbullying and how to prevent it. We also completed further work on Stand Up to Bullying this term looking at how we can be inclusive and celebrate diversity at Winstanley.
Importantly this year a student survey on Anti-Bullying showed that the overwhelming majority of our students feel safe at school and don’t think that bullying is an issue for them or for others. Furthermore all of our students know what to do if they see or experience bullying and feel confident that the school will resolve issues fairly and quickly. We never tolerate bullying of any kind and will always step in and resolve it should it happen.
We are delighted to add the Silver Award to our trophy cabinet – it sums up how we uphold our SHINE values and our commitment to Supporting Others. We are truly shining brightly.