Careers Policy and Programme


Our SHINE values (Supporting others, Hard work, Independence, Never giving up and Excellence), mean we have the highest expectation of our students and their potential. We recognise that Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) makes a significant contribution to preparing our students to take their place as suitably qualified and responsible adults within society, who can make informed choices and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives. CEIAG will enable Winstanley students to develop key employability and enterprise skills which are highly valued by employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers.


CEIAG at Winstanley will:

  • Provide a planned programme of activities to which all students from Years 7-11 are entitled,
  • Help them to plan and manage their careers
  • Provide information, advice and guidance (IAG) which is impartial, unbiased and is based on the studentsโ€™ needs
  • Follow best practice guidance from the careers profession and other expert bodies
  • Work in partnership with the outside providers to ensure all students access education, employment or training after KS4
  • Aim to provide inspiration and aspiration as well as advice about Local Market information
You can read our Careers Policy and Provider Policy here.


Programme of study

The Winstanley School provides comprehensive Career, Enterprise, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme. Students can expect to receive the following:

Year 7
  • Identifying own strengths, interests, skills and qualities in relation of their value to future employability
  • Different work roles and career pathways.
  • Evaluation of employability skills needed.
  • Enterprise activities with employers including โ€˜Dragonโ€™s Denโ€™
  • Careers Trips including The Big Bang Show at The NEC
Year 8
  • Choices available at GCSE and a skills analysis to manage the decision-making process
  • Explore different types of careers and pathways
  • Qualifications and skills needed for different careers
  • Speed Networking event with a range of employers from different career areas
  • Careers Trips including The Big Bang Show at The NEC
Year 9
  • Labour market (including the diversity of local and national employment opportunities),
  • Learning options, skills, occupations and progression routes
  • Evaluate own strengths, interests, skills and qualities relate to future employability
  • Careers Trips including the World Skills show at the NEC
  • Careers fair at Winstanley
Year 10
  • Learning about 21st century employment
  • Range of careers opportunities open to students post 16
  • Interview technique to prepare for work experience
  • Attitudes and values in relation to work and enterprise
  • Work experience week
  • Mock interviews with local employers
  • Careers Fair at Winstanley
  • One to one careers guidance interviews for targeted students
Year 11
  • An introduction to the post 16 application process
  • Support with Apprenticeship applications
  • Mock interviews with local employers
  • Careers Fair at Winstanley
  • One to one careers guidance interviews

All students have access to individual career guidance, as and when needed, from Mrs Morar, our Careers Coordinator

Education and apprenticeship providers are regularly invited to speak to the students, either as a whole group or as small targeted groups.


Measuring Impact and Evaluation

We are keen to measure the effectiveness and impact of our careers programme at The Winstanley School, and this is done in a number of ways including student destination data and surveys. We are keen to gain feedback from a range of stakeholders including parents, students, teachers and employers. If you would like to give us feedback about our careers programme, please get in touch using the contacts below

Careers Contacts

Bethan Jackett (Careers Lead) [email protected]k

Katie Marlow (Careers Coordinator) [email protected]