Assessment policy 2022-2023
ADT subject areas use a range of assessment strategies to measure understanding retention and progress. As and when relevant in the Scheme of learning. Typically, this is a combination of:
Group/Class work (Critique) Individual assessment (timed tests, exams,) Peer assessment, self assessment and use of Display space. in both KS3 and KS4 . Assessment notes are recorded both electronically and on paper.
Key stage 3
Art, Resistant Materials and Food
All students work in sketchbooks/Art folders and booklets as per rotation these contain differentiated tasks , checklists and peer/self assessment response opportunities. In addition, Students have their own ‘progress log’ on google classroom which is added to throughout the year by subject teacher and students. During each rotation three pieces of work will be assessed and the document shared with the student for them to review and target set.
At the end of each rotation ‘Mentoring week’ progress logs are completed by teachers with comments, attainment and effort grades.Students are given a subject specific target and a general design target to enable them to consistently develop and improve on design skills in other areas. Students are also set a re-cap assignment and given an opportunity to evaluate their learning experience. Teachers will complete an ‘Class overview’ which is shared with the following teacher.
Year 7 ADT follow the real life curriculum and respond to ‘I can statements’ using the set rubrics.
Key stage 4
Students are assessed once per half term WAG grades Attitude to learning grades, targets, barriers to learning and effort are included on their Progress logs. Students have an opportunity to respond to comments.In addition students are tracked…
Home learning is set weekly and marked with Strength and next step target comment only. Every 4th Home learning is given time to respond to targets.
Formative assessment:
Students have individual target/notes sheets which evidence any notes and feedback for development.
Students will participate in class critiques and sharing in groups when relevant Peer assess through discussion when relevant.
Progress boards used in class with ‘upgrade’ prompt cards to facilitate further progress, following each progress point.
One to one tutoring during break , lunch and after school for final Spring term to discuss coursework and external exam development.
Summative assessment: End of Project assessment sheet is completed against AQA Assessment objectives and marking criteria .
GCSE Resistant Materials
Students are assessed once per half term WAG grades Attitude to learning grades, targets, barriers to learning and effort are included on their Progress logs. Students have an opportunity to respond to comments.In addition students are tracked…
Home learning is set weekly and marked with Strength and next step target comment only.
Formative Assessment
Progress boards used in class with ‘upgrade’ prompt cards to facilitate further progress, following each progress point.
Summative Assessment
Hospitality & Catering
Students are assessed once per half term WAG grades Attitude to learning grades, targets, barriers to learning and effort are included on their Progress logs. Students have an opportunity to respond to comments.
In addition students are tracked…
Home learning is set fortnightly with exam questions on google classroom with strength and next step target comment only. Students are also expected to be organised and bring ingredients for their practical lessons fortnightly. A holiday home learning is set every half term in the form of a postcard that is addressed to their parents with more detailed homework.
All students complete coursework using google docs with template, information sheet and plan. Exemplar coursework is shown to demonstrate distinction level detail. Practical work supports the demonstration of skills for their practical exam in February.
Formative Assessment
Progress boards used in class with ‘upgrade’ prompt cards to facilitate further progress, following each progress point.
Practical work is assessed on the following areas: skills, Independence, presentation, health and safety with students receiving marks and written feedback which is discussed and targets set. Students are given written feedback and a mark in line with WJEC scoring: Distinction * Distinction Merit Pass level 2, Pass level 1.
Interventions are carried out throughout year 11 including sessions to support students to complete their coursework.
Theory lessons.
Students practise on past papers these are marked against the exam criteria and mark scheme. Teacher assessment takes place, papers are marked with feedback and used in the lesson for peer assessment with answers shared and discussed. In year 11 the mock exams are computer based to prepare them for the real exam.
Summative Assessment
Summative assessment takes place at the end of each project which is marked against Assessment Objectives. Feedback consists of marks, WAG, written and verbal feedback.